Searching data with indexed text boxes
When looking at a Sage 100 Contractor window, for example, 4-4 Vendors (Accounts Payable), look for a yellow bar between the text box label and the text box entry area, which you can see by clicking the [F9] key. The yellow bar indicates that the text box has been indexed in a database table. You may search for data with these indexed text boxes.
In Sage 100 Contractor, the indexed text boxes works like an index in a book. You may use them to search for data about Vendors, Descriptions, Transaction#, and so forth. When entering data, such as a name or a number, the search compares data and looks from left to right for an exact match. You can increase or decrease the number of records found in the search, depending on how much information you provide.
You enter data and conduct a search in an indexed text box with data that is consistent for entries in that specific box. For example, if the text box requires an “alpha” entry, such as “M” or “Michael,” then you must enter a letter or a word. If the box requires a “numeric” entry, then you must enter a number. In some cases, a box can accept either an alpha or a numeric entry because it is an alpha-numeric box.
For example, let’s suppose that you want to call your vendor, Michael’s Electrical, and need to get the phone number. On the 4-4 Vendors (Accounts Payable) window, in the Vendor Name box, type M, and then press the F9 key. Sage 100 Contractor displays the first vendor whose name begins with an M. Using the Page Down key, you can display the subsequent vendors until you find Michael’s Electrical. Alternatively, you can search for Michael. The search displays the first instance of Michael as a vendor name.
On a different window, such as 4-2 Payable Invoices/Credits window, to search for a vendor in the Vendor text box, you must type a number and search by vendor number. For example, you can enter “51” for the hypothetical vendor 51-Hughes Concrete. In yet another example, such as the 1-3 Journal Transactions window, when searching the Transaction# box, you can enter a letter, a number, or a combination of letters and numbers because it is an alpha-numeric box.
To search for data using an indexed text box:
In the indexed text box, enter the information for which you are looking, and then press the F9 key.
Sage 100 Contractor displays the first match.
Use the Page Up and the Page Down keys to display other records found in the search.
The data is sorted in ascending order based on the indexed text box you searched.